+ Plant
We created this page as a resource to help you better care for beautiful blooms and plants! Here you'll find tips, tricks, and random fun facts.
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​Flower Care 101
Cut the tips of flowers on a diagonal (for better hydration).
Pick out your favorite vase & fill with room temperature water.
Make sure your vase gives your stems enough support. If heavily flopping/splayed change vase or cut stems for better support.
Remove any foliage that falls below the water line in your vase (will cause bacteria growth & shorten life).
Change water daily & give the stems a fresh snip every few days.
keep flowers away from direct sunlight & fruit (gives off a gas that causes the flower to age).
Enjoy & share!

FLowering Branches & Woody stems
Refresh the water every few days and mist if the air is dry.
Avoid direct sunlight - it can stunt the branch from flowering.
Thrives in temperatures between 60-65°F
Pro-tip - Smashing the ends of the branches with a hammer helps the flowering branches drink water better and it’s an excellent stress reliever!
Examples: Quince, Forsythia, Cherry blooms - basically anything with a woody stem.

Sappy Flower Care
​Flowers with sap need special care avoid shortening their life span & other flowers that will share their vase.
Option one: take a lighter to the last inch of a fresh cut stem for about 30 seconds to "cauterizing" the tip of the flower stem. Place immediately in your water-filled vase.
Option two: use The Hot Water Method *(see instructions below)
Examples: Poppies, Narcissus, milk weed - anything that you cut that has a white milky or clear sap that comes out of the stem.

POME's Wildflower Pollinator Seeds (our gift that grows!)
How to grow: we like to use 'Throw & Grow Method' when it comes to planting our local pollinator seeds.
Rake the soil to loosen it up then water the soil lightly before and after throwing your seeds in - it's that simple!
​If you have birds or critters that may want to snack on your seeds we recommend taking your foot (or hand) to lightly step on the seeds to push them just under the soil.
*Seeds Symbolize: the circle of life & the potential - an excellent gift! ​​
The boil water method to revive floppy flowers
Boil water & pour into a small vessel.
Cut the tips of the stems on a diagonal & dip 1/4 inch of each stem into boiling water for 30-60 seconds (protect flowers from steam). *Most times you will see bubbles coming out of the stem - that means it's working.
Put into cool water immediately & let the flowers sit for 3 hours minimum or place overnight in a refrigerator for the best results (cool dark room can work too).
The flowers will perk right up!
house plant CAre 101:
How & when to water
Stick your pointer finger into the top 1/4 in of the soil.
If it's dry, then it's time to give your plant a good soak.
We suggest bottom watering your plants
How To Bottom Water:
Fill up a container with a couple inches of water.
Set your potted plant into the container of water.
After around 15 to 20 minutes (or once the top of the soil is damp), remove the plant.
Return your plant to its dry saucer.

Philodendron hearts
Sunlight - Loves medium indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light (Note: direct sunlight can fade plants color).
Water - Allow the soil to dry out between waterings on average about 1-2 weeks. Remember to Increase frequency with increased light & during cold months water less.
Temperature - Thrives in temperatures between 65°F-75°F​
Pro-tip - moist air will help lead to larger leaves and faster growth so grab your mister!

Hen and Chick succulents​
Sunlight - Let them soak up full sun (where your plant will receive the most direct light) for about 6 hours daily.
Water - These gems are desert babies which means they are accustomed to very little water and even soil. We suggest to wait until soil is completely dry then give them a good soaking.
Soil - well drained works best for succulents. It helps to mimic their natural environment (sandy, gravelly soil). ​
Did you know? During the winter months some varieties magically change into vibrant colors!

Peace Lily Plant
Sunlight - Peace lilies like bright indirect light & will adapt to lower light. Too much bright light will burn the foliage. Too little light will not produce flowers and foliage growth will be slow.
Water - These cuties love humidity & like their soil to be moist. Water when top 1/4 of the soil is dry. If the plant gets too dry it will dramatically wilt, but never fear a good *bottom watering should perk it right back up.
Soil & Temp - they need a good rich soil that drains well. As for temperature keep in 65F-85F range of for best results. ​
​Winter makes plants sleepy
All plants need to rest so during cool winter months.
Cut back on watering and don't be worried if they stop growing. It’s totally natural :)
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