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The Thanksgiving Bouquet
  • The Thanksgiving Bouquet


    Elevate wherever you gather with Our Thanksgiving bouquet. Each bouquet will feature the most extravagant Chrysanthemums you've ever seen. It's the perfect addition to any table this holiday.


    POME’s signature bouquets - made with the freshest ingredients.

    All flowers will be processed, wrapped & ready for your favorite vase.


    Note: All Thanksgiving deliveries & local pick ups must be ordered by 11/18 to guarantee your blooms. Have a specific idea or need a larger arrangement please call #917-409-7545

    • Arrangement Details

      Bouquet Size: *(will vary depending on bloom size & cost)

      • Small: 10-12 stems
      • Signature: 15-18 stems
      • Lux: 20-25 stems

      The Flowers: The flowers, greens and colors (designers choice) will vary depending on availability but all will be stunning!! 

    • Delivery Options

      Local Pick Up: Dylan's Wine Cellar,  Peekskill, NY  

      Local Delivery for Lower Hudson Valley & surrounding areas

      Note: All Thanksgiving week deliveries & local pick ups will be for Wednesday 11/27 only.

    • We Support

      ​POME is committed to being as sustainable as possible and supports local, womxn-owned businesses. Everything we create is made with intention and 100% love!

      All of our flowers and plants are sourced locally from small sustainable farms in the Hudson Valley. 

    PriceFrom $70.00
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